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Business Office

A fast growing organization that provides effective Business SUPPORT and RESOURCES services to establish, grow and manage your Business IDEAS VISIONS and GOALS.

B2B logistics and supply services | Creed-Inno Group Inc. | Ontario.

Technical Support services |

Creed-Inno Group Inc. | Ontario.

Business support services |

Creed-Inno Group Inc. | Ontario.


“Rare innovation at its peak”

Globalization concept
Business handshake

Creed Inno Group

“Affirmed believe in Innovation”

Congratulations on being that exceptional breed of people who want to create their own path, live their passion and dream big! Running your own business is an amazing adventure, a wild ride and one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever accomplish. But starting and growing a business is hard, and that’s where we step in.

Analyzing Graphs



Creed Innovation strives to create a fresh kind of future — a future that maps the intricacies inside our headsets hidden talent alight and upends conventional thinking. The projects and investments we pursue are inspired by every tiny idea we encounter every day.


At Creed Innovation, we believe that seeking out the demanding and building the difficult is what sets progress in motion.

The mission is to become a world leader in assisting innovators, entrepreneurs and inventors, both individuals, group or organization with productive projects like business establishment, potential recruitment,  talent hunting, ideas and skills grooming with overcoming the traditional headaches and hassles associated with establishing both digital or physical businesses.

We offers a Business startup resource/consultations, 360 Business support services, Technical support services, B2B logistics and supply services aimed at immigrant and black owned businesses, both new businesses, existing and/or businesses at a startup stage.


Business Handshake


Impossible, you may say, but at Creed Inno Group, nothing’s beyond our reach.

If we can understand this mystifying organ called the brain, we can pave the way towards understanding diseases like Alzheimer’s. If we can successfully launch a rocket mid-air, it changes space travel forever.

If we can get the formula right

for a new kind of downtown neighbourhood, it becomes a guide for how to build the cities of tomorrow.

The vision was founded on the goal of connecting potential & building endless opportunities.

With a good startup footprint to create generational wealth, we are focus on delivering quality and efficient services.

When you have stories to tell and target markets to influence, or a business you desire to establish, partner with us.

We help you refine and define, or redefined your business goals, and craft the action plans to help you meet them. From traditional groundswell programs to sophisticated digital presence strategies and global market presence, we give a dynamic voice that compels audiences to listen, engage and act.

Team Discussion


It takes extraordinary leadership to take on the enormous challenges Creed-Inno Group sets for itself. While guiding our ambitious efforts, our leadership team fosters an innovation culture that inspires us to think big.

At Creed-Inno Group, our leaders don’t just manage the work we do—they help define it and we all work in a productive teamwork environment as we strongly understand everyone’s opinion really matter.

Positively motivated, creative team of young Idealist and Catalysts for change founded CIG, offering Business support services as follows but not limited to business consultation, resources, information, guide, technical supports, and logistic support services required to setup up a new business or revamp an existing businesses.

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